International course of lectures "Geophysical turbulence and boundary layers: nature, theory and role in Earth's systems"

University of Helsinki and Finnish Meteorological Institute "Dynamicum", Erik Palménin aukio 1, Helsinki, Finland 28 May - 1 June 2007

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28.05.2007 Monday

Nature and theory of geophysical turbulence and PBLs

Introduction to fundamentals of turbulence
Prof. Arkady Tsinober, UCL, UK

New effects in turbulent aerosol transports: theory, lab and field experiments
Dr. Igor Rogachevskii, BGU, IL

PBLs in stable, neutral and unstable stratification: scaling, data and analytical models, surface-flux algorithms
Prof. Sergej Zilitinkevich, UH / FMI, FI

29.05.2007 Tuesday

Turbulence closure problem for stable stratification:

Turbulence energetics and critical Richardson number
Energy and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for steady-state, homogeneous and heterogeneous regimes
Prof. Sergej Zilitinkevich, UH / FMI, FI

Radiation and turbulence in PBLs

Radiative heat transfer and its role in stable PBLs
Prof. Hannu Savijärvi, UH, FI

Semi-organised structures and fully chaotic turbulence: similarity and difference, LES.

Semi-organised structures in convective BL
Dr. Nathan Kleeorin, BGU, IL

Large-eddy simulations of PBLs, LES "portraits" of typical semi-organised eddies
Dr. Igor Esau, NERSC, NO

30.05.2007 Wednesday

Observation of the turbulent and mean structure of PBLs

What do we want to measure in turbulence, why and how?
Prof. Arkady Tsinober, UCL, UK

Flow-surface interaction and turbulent fluxes at the surface

Interaction of air-flow with ice and snow
Dr. Timo Vihma, FMI, FI

Stability dependence of the roughness length and displacement height
Dr. Ivan Mammarella, UH. FI

Turbulence and transports in vegetation canopies
Prof. Timo Vesala, UH, FI

Modelling of turbulence within vegetation canopies
Dr. Andrey Sogachev, UH, FI

31.05.2007 Thursday

Turbulent and mean structure of air flows within vegetated and urban canopies

Meso-scale meteorological models: correcting model errors and limitations
Characteristics of urban PBLs
Urbanized meso-scale meteorological models
Global-warming induced reverse-reactions: summer daytime coastal-cooling
Prof. Robert Bornstein, SJSU, USA

Boundary-layer aspects in shallow-water approximations
Prof. Arakel Petrosyan, IKI RAS, RU

Modelling of boundary-layer type flows: sea breezes, katabatic winds and internal boundary layers
Prof. Hannu Savijärvi, UH, FI

Urban boundary layers: experience of EU-FUMAPEX
Dr. Alexander Baklanov, DMI, DK

1.06.2007 Friday

Weather and climate and ecosystem modelling problems essentially dependent on PBLs

The role of the PBL parameterization in operational numerical weather prediction: HIRLAM experience
Dr. Carl Fortelius, FMI, FI

The role of the PBLs parameterization in operational air quality modelling: SILAM experience
Additional animation file avi
Dr. Mikhail Sofiev, FMI, FI

High resolution atmosphere-sea-water ecosystem model suite: the general architecture and the role of turbulence
Dr. Rein Tamsalu, UT, EE

BGU = Ben Gurion University of the Negev
DMI = Danish Meteorological Institute
FMI = Finnish Meteorological Institute
GCM = general circulation model
IG RAS = Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
IKI RAS = Institute of Space Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
LES = large-eddy simulation
NERSC = Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre
PBL = planetary boundary layer
SJSU = San Jose State University
UCL = University College, London
UH = University of Helsinki (Division of Atmospheric Sciences)
USF = University of South Florida
UT = University of Tartu