Programme (a printable pdf with participants' e-mail addresses included)
Meeting room Tellus (3rd Floor, room 3D19c)
Session 1: Introduction
Chairman: Sylvain Joffre
09.00 - 09.10 Opening and arrangements of the workshop
09.10 - 09.35
Sergej Zilitinkevich: New developments in modelling and parametrization of stable PBLs
abstract presentation
09.35 - 10.00
Irina Sandu: Why is it so difficult to represent stable boundary layers in NWP models?
abstract presentation
10.00 - 10.25
Timo Vihma: Towards the Fourth GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model Inter-comparison Study (GABLS4)
abstract presentation
10.25 - 10.45 Refreshments
Session 2: Forecasting SBL Weather
Chairman: Sami Niemelä
10.45 - 11.10
Jukka Julkunen: Boundary layer challenges in aviation meteorology
abstract presentation
11.10 - 11.35
Francois Boyussel: Forecasting low level clouds and fog with Arome
abstract presentation
11.35 - 12.00
Karl-Ivar Ivarsson: Experiences on AROME forecasting fog and low clouds for Nordic conditions
abstract presentation
12.00 - 12.25
Aurore Porson: Clear sky and fog case studies over the UK with the high resolution MetUM
abstract presentation
12.25 - 12.50
Irene Suomi: Effects of stability on wind gusts
abstract presentation
12.50 - 13.50 Lunch
13.50-13.50 (cancelled, see the linked paper instead)
Evgeny Atlaskin: Evaluation of NWP results for wintertime nocturnal boundary-layer temperatures over Europe and Finland
abstract published paper
13.50 - 14.15
Dmitrii Mironov: Effect of Surface Temperature Heterogeneity on Turbulent Mixing in the SBL
14.15 - 14.30
Ekaterina Kourzeneva: Surface temperature model errors in off-line ice simulations under SBL conditions
abstract presentation
14.30 - 14.45
Laura Rontu: Very short note on radiation comparisons in Sodankylä
abstract presentation
14.45 - 14.55 Introduction + division to working
14.55 - 15.15 Refreshments
15.15 - 17.00 Session 3: Working groups
Suggested working groups:
WG-Oper: Problems and solutions for handling of SBL in operational NWP
Expected outcome: identification of main problems and suggestions
for further work
WG-GABLS: Preparation of GABLS4 Antarctic experiment
Expected outcome: plans and perhaps data for the next phase of the
WG-Turb: Ways to implement the new turbulence parametrisations into
NWP models
Expected outcome: suggestions for the approach and code structures
for AROME-ALARO and other models
Tuesday the 4th of December 2012
Session 4: Modelling of SBL over snow and ice
Chairman: Timo Vihma
Hannu Savijärvi: High-resolution simulations of the night-time stable boundary layer over snow
09.25 - 09.50
Marina Sterk: The role of snow-surface coupling, radiation and turbulent mixing in modeling a stable boundary layer over Arctic sea-ice
09.50 - 10.15
Olivier Traulle: Preliminary results on turbulent measurements over an instrumented profile tower in Dome C Antarctica
10.15 - 10.40
Eric Bazile: Study of the diurnal cycle at DomeC Antarctica: 3D and 1D experiment and impact of the snow and PBL scheme
abstract presentation
10.40 - 11.05
Rostislav Kouznetsov: The shallow katabatic flows over Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
11.05 - 11.25 Refreshments
Session 5: Turbulence parametrisations
Chairman: Carl Fortelius
11.25 - 11.50
Ivan Bastak Duran:
Compact stability dependence model for turbulent schemes with
prognostic TKE and without critical Richardson number: 3 parameter
system of functions for the whole range of Richardson numbers
abstract presentation
11.50 - 12.15
Jean-Francois Geleyn: Third Order Moments parametrisation for turbulent schemes with prognostic TKE: non-local extension of local heat/moisture diffusion with a complete, simple and stable solver
abstract presentation
12.15 - 12.40
Niels Woetman Nielsen: Parameterization of the effect of turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer
abstract Updated DMI report instead of presentation
12.40 - 13.40 Lunch
Session 7: Working groups continue
13.40 - 17.00
WG-Oper: Problems and solutions for handling of SBL in operational NWP
WG-GABLS: Preparation of the GABLS4 Antarctic experiment
WG-Turb: Ways to implement the new turbulence parametrisations into NWP models
14.50 - 15.10 Refreshments
Working group sessions continue after coffee break.
19.30 Workshop dinner in restaurant
By choosing meals from menu beforehand we will improve service in the restaurant. Please think about your choice (everyone will pay own expenses), we will collect a list of 2-3 alternatives on Monday!
Wednesday the 5th of December 2012
Finishing working group work, writing slides for general discussion
Session 6: Air quality modelling in SBL
Chairman: Curtis Wood
10.00 - 10.25
Alexandr Baklanov: SBL parameterisations for urban areas and environmental applications
abstract presentation
10.25 - 10.50
Marko Kaasik: Performance of SILAM air quality model in winter anticyclone
abstract presentation
10.50 - 11.10 Refreshments
Session 7: Final discussions
Chairman: Laura Rontu
11.10 - 11.40
Report from WG-Oper, discussion
11.40 - 12.10
Report from WG-GABLS, discussion
12.10 - 12.40
Report from WG-Turb, discussion
12.40 - 13.00
Final discussion and conclusions
Closure of the workshop
13.00 - Lunch