To enhance the understanding of the impact of small-scale processes in the polar climate, this study focuses on the relative role of snow-surface coupling, radiation and turbulent mixing in a clear-sky Arctic stable boundary layer. We use the WRF single column model, and run different combinations of parameterization schemes. With this intercomparison of schemes, we confirm a wide variety in the state of the atmosphere and the surface variables. To understand this variety, a sensitivity analysis for one particular combination of parameterization schemes is performed, using an analysis method of process diagrams. The variation between the sensitivity runs indicates a relative orientation of model sensitivities to variations in each of the governing processes and these can explain the variety of model results obtained in the intercomparison of different parameterization schemes. We apply the same method for several geostrophic wind speeds to represent a large range of synoptic conditions. Results indicate a shift in process significance for different wind regimes. Furthermore, an interesting non-linear feature was found for turbulent mixing for frequently occurring and low wind speed cases, where the 2m temperature increases for decreased amounts of mixing.