COST-728/NetFAM workshop on
"Integrated systems of meso-meteorological and chemical
transport models"
DMI, Copenhagen, 21-23 May 2007
- Links updated 29.10.2007
Monday 21 May
Opening and introduction
Opening of the meeting - Peter Aakjaer, director of DMI
Info about practical arrangements
Integrated systems: on-line and off-line
coupling of meteorological and air quality models, advantages and
disadvantages. Alexandr Baklanov
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
On-line and off-line coupled systems
Online coupled meteorology and chemistry models in the U.S.
Yang Zhang
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Afternoon session, chaired by Barbara Fay
Description, application, and verification of a
state-of-the-art fully coupled multiscale air quality and weather
prediction model (WRF/Chem). Georg Grell
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
LM-ART - Aerosols and reactive gases within LM. Heike Vogel
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Integrated modelling systems in Australia,
CSIRO. Peter Manins
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Chemical modelling with WRF/Chem and
CHASER in Japan. Masayuki Takigawa
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
The on-line coupled mesoscale climate-chemistry model MCCM
- a modelling tool for short episodes as well as for climate periods.
Peter Suppan
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
BOLCHEM, an integrated system for meteorology and atmospheric composition. Alberto Maurizi
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Tuesday 22 May
Morning session, chaired by Laura Rontu
Multiscale atmospheric chemistry modelling with
GEM-AQ. Jacek Kaminski
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
A multiscale modelling approach putting special emphasis
on the efficient treatment of urban plumes. John Douros
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Operational ozone forecasts for Austria.
Marcus Hirtl
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Coupling of air quality and weather forecasting
- plans and progress at Viel Ødegaard
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
ENVIRO-HIRLAM: on-line integrated system. Ulrik Korsholm et al.
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
HIRLAM/HARMONIE-ACT models integration session
Definition of the discussion topics, start of discussions. Conveners: Alexander Baklanov and Sander Tijm
Discussion presentations:
Included in the session:
Some experiences using the
non-hydrostatic model AROME as driver for the MATCH model. Lennart
Robertson and Valentin Fontescu.
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Modeling of air pollution from urban to regional scale: DMI-CAC. Allan Gross.
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Afternoon session, chaired by Jacek Kaminski
Aerosol species in the AQ forecasting system of FMI: possibilities for
coupling with NWP models. Mihail Sofiev
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
The online coupled atmospheric-chemistry-aerosol model
LM-MUSCAT. Oswald Knoth
abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
The PRISM support initiative, COSMOS and OASIS4. Rene Redler
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Running the SILAM model comparatively with ECMWF and HIRLAM
meteorological fields - a case study in Lapland. Marko Kaasik
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Morning session, chaired by Valentin Foltescu
Coupling global CTMs to ECMWF integrated system for
forecast and data assimilation within GEMS. Johannes Flemming
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Off-line model integration: EU practices, interfaces and possible
strategies for harmonisation. Barbara Fay and Sandro Finardi
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Impact of Nesting Methods on Model Performance.
Ursula Bungert and Heinke Schlünzen
extended abstract (pdf)
presentation (pdf)
Closure of the meeting