Network documents
Form for reporting expenses
Note: This file can be filled by Acrobat reader and the result printed either to file or by a printer. Please return the filled reports with attachments to the postal address given in the form.
Final report, March 2010
NetFAM final report for the extension period 2008-2009, sent to NordForsk 29.3. 2010 (pdf)
Work documents
A list of applied and realized visits (xls) of the current year. For the
coordinating group members to suggest and estimate the costs of visits
and monitor the situation.
Plan 2008-2009 (doc)
Basic rules of using NetFAM funding
Yearly monitoring
NetFAM report 2005 (13.1.2006)
NetFAM report 2006 (18.12.2006)
NetFAM report 2007 (pdf) (18.12.2007)
NetFAM report 2008 (pdf) (12.1.2009)
Extension application 2008-2009, November 2007
NetFAM extension application (scanned full text)
Basic documents accepted by NorFA, November 2004
Accepted NetFAM application (full text)
Accepted budget of NetFAM
Accepted plan 2005-2007 of NetFAM