The aim of the workshop is to discuss methods related to handling uncertainty in fine-scale models, observations and applications based on them. Both meteorological and hydrological aspects will be considered. The first two days of the workshop are open and free to all interested groups and persons. The last day is devoted to COST Action 731 and NetFAM meetings. The venue for the workshop will be Faculty of Natural Sciences of Vilnius University.

The two days of the open workshop are divided into three sessions:
  1. Probability approaches in fine-scale meteorological and hydrological forecasts.
  2. Uncertainty related to meteorological and hydrological observations.
  3. Applications.

The verification and validation issues will be discussed in all sessions. In addition to the original scientific presentations (20 minutes) there will be a few invited presentations (30 - 40 minutes). A plenary session with final discussion will conclude the workshop on Thursday evening. A social programme is planned during all days of the workshop.

Please register your participation and provide the title with short abstract of your presentation before 13 March 2006. Please find details about Participants on the left panel.

COST Action 731
Nordic Network on Fine-scale Atmosperic Modelling (NetFAM) funded by NordForsk

Local Organisers
Department of Hydrology and Climatology, Vilnius University
Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service