A workshop on "Parameterization of Stable Boundary Layer in Numerical Weather
Prediction Models" was arranged in Helsinki on
December 3 - 5, 2012.
Thank you for participation! Please find the presentations (pdf files) linked to the programme.
Workshop participants at 5 December 2012 inside the FMI building
Network MUSCATEN. MUSCATEN is funded by the Nordic Research Board
PBL-PMES on "Atmospheric planetary boundary layers: physics, modelling and role in Earth system"(ERC Advanced Grant No. 227915, 2009-2013)
TEMPUS JEP-159352 QualiMET (Development of Qualification Framework in Meteorology, 2010-2013)
Russian Government Mega Grant "Interaction of the Atmosphere,
Hydrosphere and Land Surface" (No. 11.G34.31.0048)
Finnish Meteorological Institute
The aim of the workshop is to discuss how to develop NWP
parametrisations related to forecast of stable boundary layer weather.
We want to bring together researchers, model developers and
forecasters for three days with presentations and discussions. The
expected outcome of the workshop is an overview of the current
problems and ongoing studies, recommendations and coordination of
plans in the European NWP community.
The suggested topics for the workshop include:
Models and the Nordic temperature problem.
Nordic temperature problem, common to practically all NWP models, is
related to the difficulty to forecast reliably the near-surface
temperature in the conditions of stable stratification, especially in
winter. Solution of the problem requires a complex approach to
handling of the surface energy balance, depending on the surface
properties and heat and moisture under the surface, on the radiative
and turbulent fluxes in the surface layer and above.
Forecasting fog, stratus and
visibility. Forecast of visibility, depending on low clouds
and fog, is of great practical importance for aviation, land and sea
transport. Improvement of these forecasts requires understanding of
moist processes in the planetary boundary layer, interacting with the
large-scale synoptic processes and influenced by the surface
GABLS4 stable boundary layer model
intercomparison. Preparations for the next GEWEX Atmospheric
Boundary Layer Study have started, with the aim of model-observation
intercomparison in the strong stable stratification conditions over
New developments in turbulence
parametrisations. New theoretical research on turbulent
energy and fluxes in the atmosphere and ocean may provide new
parametrisation possibilities for the NWP, climate and air quality
Researchers and research students working with these topics
are welcome to make a presentation of 20 - 30 minutes. A few invited
presentations will be given on the main topics. Discussion and
formulation of suggestions for further research and applications are
essential for the workshop and will be devoted sufficient time.
The workshop will be arranged in the meeting room "Tellus" of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Part of the presentations may be made available in real time via a video conference system.
Please register your participation and provide the title with a short abstract of your presentation till the 12th of November 2012. Please find the registration form in "Participate" on the left panel. For the accommodation possibilities, see "Accommodation".
Page created 26 September 2012/LR, updated 6.12.2012>